See what people are saying.

Sedona was life-changing for both Jeff and I. It was unbelievable the experience of unwinding, words cannot describe the depth of the experience, well two words come to my mind MAGICAL HEALING.
Diana H.
Since I’ve been back [from the retreat], my wife says that I’ve been much more present for the kids, both with my attention and the amount of time I’m spending with them. Here’s the ironic thing, I’m spending less time obsessing and toiling on work, yet I’m more effective and see things going our way more so than anytime this year. I feel lighter, clearer, and calmer since my return. I’m not sure what I left on those red rocks, but whatever it was, good riddance!
If there is something you need to change in your life but just can’t seem to do it by struggling and striving, you NEED to get to this retreat. Something will change I guarantee it.
Kurtis S.
This retreat has been a transformation miracle for me. I released lifetimes of grief that weighed so heavily on my heart. I cannot imagine what the future holds but I look forward to the challenges ahead with a new found sense of exhilaration, confidence, and joy.
Irene D.
One of the best things I’ve ever done. It was deepening, confidence-building, joyous, spiritual, and sometimes intimidating. Seventeen years later, I’m still learning lessons from it.
Poppy C.

I refer so many people to Jonathan Tripodi for astrology and they are always impressed with the accuracy, information, and of course how amazing Jonathan is as a human! Highly recommend him. My personal readings have been life-changing.
Lisa M
Jonathan’s astrology reading was the best I have ever received. It seems soul-level to me, like he knows my true self like no one else. As with his gifts with the body and energy work, he clearly has a phenomenal knowledge of astrology. He translates it in the most understandable and valuable way, with kindness and compassion.
Jarod S
Atlanta, GeorgiaASTROLOGY
I have never received a reading like this before. It was spot on with how my life has unfolded thus far and I am so excited for what’s to come. I will probably listen to it 10 more times to digest every word! Thank you again for such an incredible gift!
Holly M
San Jose, California
Before taking the Pelvic Unwinding Class, I had no exposure to BMR besides Jonathan’s book, “Freedom From Body Memory.” The book really drew me into the work. It put much of what I already knew into a common language that allowed all the layers to sync together and make one congruent message.
Jonathan approaches the work in the best way possible, linking the physical anatomy with the emotional and energetic layers, and walks students through the unwinding process step by step in a safe and nurturing environment. He is patient, welcoming and observant of boundaries with just enough encouragement in the right direction to get your body on a journey towards healing.
Gianna N
Our life force originates from the first energy center (Root Chakra), and if that is even slightly blocked the energy can’t flow fully upstream to all the other energy centers above. Unwinding has allowed me to open my lower energy centers and reminded me of how it feels like to have more life force flowing through my whole body.
Jane L
The awareness I received from taking the Unwinding Body Memory and Unwinding the Pelvis courses is that the pelvic area is highly charged with stored trauma, some of which I was totally unaware. For example, I knew that my childbirths were traumatic, however, I didn’t realize that I had so many trapped emotions in my pelvic area until I began unwinding. The process of unwinding body memory was a true eye-opener.
Laura M
Texas, USA
Since 2007, I have experienced many forms of bodywork. None of them come close to the effectiveness I am experiencing with Jonathan’s BMR approach.
Martyne E
The teaching method for each technique made learning seamless. Each move was intricately described, experienced, then given a chance to practice.
When I did a technique improperly, you immediately told me why that wouldn’t work in a respectful way, then showed me exactly what to do. Where many instructors make mistakes scary, you created an environment where it was safe to go all in and welcome growth.
I loved the open-mindedness! Nothing was off the table. Everything was ok. All was accepted. That level of light-heartedness, safety, and acceptance made it easier to open up on the table, which translated to learning the BMR practice on a much deeper level.
California, USA
Thanks to Jonathan’s gifts, skills, knowledge, wisdom and ability to hold a loving and compassionate space I always feel completely safe to allow myself to be vulnerable and courageous in letting go of body memory and opening more fully in my total energy.
Dawn B
I have had many fascinating experiences in my life. But nothing comes close to the experience of Jonathan’s 5-day BMR Healing Intensive in Sedona Arizona. I have achieved so much FREEDOM, POWER, and CLARITY in such a short period of time.
While vacations provide momentary stress relief, I experience the benefits of my Body Memory Healing Intensive EVERY day! It was the best investment in myself that I’ve ever made.
If I could make a wish for my family, best friend or loved one, it would be that they could also experience the life-changing healing that occurs from Jonathan’s Body Memory Recall Healing Retreat.

Fabian Hanle
Jonathan is a natural genius with the human body, mind and spirit. He has an immense amount of training and knowledge, but what creates his magic in supporting one towards their ultimate potential are his intuitive wisdom and gifts. He knows what one needs for healing- Jonathan partners with you for your healing with his compassion and caring.
Heather M
I cannot express my gratitude in words for the work Jonathan did with me in a 5-day intensive in which I released much that I did not know was there. At the end of most sessions I felt much lighter and freedom, unattached; after a couple sessions it was as if an exorcism had occurred, like I was “born again”.
Sarah B
My experience with Jonathan Tripodi allowed me to “put to bed” an emotional trauma that occurred over 55 years ago. I am sharing my experience to give testimony to Jonathan’s skill, insight, trustworthiness and compassion.
I didn’t know why I was feeling so sorrowful, but for the past year or so I had been crying at the drop of a hat. I had a good life by most standards, wonderful children, a good career and a loyal husband. I had many friends, but was always afraid of being vulnerable.
Early on, I had a difficult home life; alcoholic mother, no father, distant sister. I was always on my own, always being thrown in the water with no one teaching me how to swim first, so to speak. I had to be strong, innovative, and rely on my intuition. I couldn’t show weakness. The few attachments I had, either moved, or died. I was alone inside. I presented as basically happy, but could cry the next minute.
A friend recommended I go and see Jonathan. During a “body memory” session, the memory of being raped by a doctor at age 18 came to the forefront…something I always knew that had happened, but I had locked it away as an unpleasant, dirty, shameful thing that I wasn’t going to think about. Well…the body had been hurt and it didn’t forget. I experienced a total release…was able to scream, cry, and experience the feelings I had refused to recognize.
As a result, when I shared the experience of the rape with a friend recently, I was able to talk about it without breaking down. The pain was gone. I no longer need to cry “at the drop of a hat.”
It was a release that made a difference…even at age 76. I would heartily recommend Jonathan and his BMR approach.
Marian S
The 3 day weekend was amazing! With each session, I let go of layers of suppressed emotion and physical pain. Painful memories that surfaced included the birth of my two children in this life and multiple births of children from past lives. These births took place many years ago (even lifetimes ago) and the trauma of those deliveries had been long forgotten. Each body memory recall and release resulted in less and less sciatic pain which made it clear to me that the two were connected.
The physical and emotional releases from this life and those past were key to my amazing healing and transformation. Jonathan held space and supported me and my body to access my inner-healer. Now I’m not only pain free, but more importantly, I feel luminous! A light and energy has come back to me that is inspiring me to move forward in my life.
Thank you Jonathan for supporting and enabling me to get to back to an active life and the next important chapter of my spiritual journey. You and your BMR approach are amazing!
Mary A
I have had many fascinating experiences in my life. But nothing comes close to the experience of Jonathan’s 5-day BMR Healing Intensive in Sedona Arizona. I have achieved so much FREEDOM, POWER, and CLARITY in such a short period of time.
While vacations provide momentary stress relief, I experience the benefits of my Body Memory Healing Intensive EVERY day! It was the best investment in myself that I’ve ever made.
If I could make a wish for my family, best friend or loved one, it would be that they could also experience the life-changing healing that occurs from Jonathan’s Body Memory Recall Healing Retreat.
Jonathan was consistent in each session with his energy, focus and compassion. I felt deeply accepted in my state of suffering, and deeply supported in my process of healing. He provided the safety and trust I needed to truly, finally, let go of it all. With his support, I experienced an accelerated level of transformation I never knew was possible.
Sandy O.
Oklahoma, USA
Watching your videos was like therapy in the safety of my home.