What is Remote Healing?
Remote Healing, also known as Distance Healing, is the relaxing transfer of energy between a practitioner and the recipient, no matter where they happen to be.
Remote Healing has the ability to be effective without the need for physical presence and can be felt across any distance.
Read more about distance therapies:
Distant Healing Intention Therapies: An Overview of the Scientific Evidence Dean Radin, PhD, Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, and Christopher Baur

Potential Benefits to Remote Healing
- Increases Flow of Vital Energy
- Calms & Relaxes the Nervous System
- Decreases Pain
- Decreases Anxiety
- Helps You to Release Suppressed Emotion
- Helps You to Release Body Memory
- Helps You to Access Insight & Clarity

A Remote BMR Healing Session:
- A 15-minute Consult
- A 45-minute Remote BMR Healing Session with Unwinding
- A 30-minute Life Coaching session

The Consult
A remote BMR healing session begins with a phone or zoom consult so that you can share with Jonathan your main issue(s) and desires for healing. He will ask you key questions to help uncover the “core” state of consciousness related to the issue(s).
The consult is immediately followed by a 45-minute remote BMR healing with Unwinding.
Remote BMR Healing w/ Unwinding
During your remote BMR session, you sit or lie comfortably with eyes closed. Initially, Jonathan remotely connects with you and clears energy blockages in your organs, fascia, meridians, chakras, and energy fields. After the clearing, he strengthens your core energy to amplify your self-healing abilities, including your ability to Unwind.
Unwinding is an energetic shift from “freeze” – a survival response, to “flow” – a natural, self-healing state. To participate, consciously and intentionally allow your energy to flow. Begin by tuning into your body and breath. With each breath, relax and soften any part of your body that is tense, hard, or in a state of resistance. Begin with your legs and butt, and progress up the body to include the abdomen, diaphragm, neck, and jaw. As relaxation deepens, your body energy can flow more easily and your innate ability to unwind can occur. Below are ways in which you can access your innate ability to Unwind.
Let Your Breath Flow:
Allow your breath to flow effortlessly, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Inhale energy from the bottom of your feet, all the way up your body. Then, exhale gently and fully all the air from your belly and chest.
Let Your Body Flow:
With each breath, allow the tense or hard places in your body to soften and melt. As your body shifts from freeze to flow, allow your body to twitch, shake, vibrate, or spontaneously move or assume significant positions. If your body doesn’t want to move, allow it to be relaxed and still. Surrender as deeply as you can to movement and stillness, whichever is naturally occurring.

Let Your Voice Flow:
With each exhale, allow sounds and words that arise to be expressed. Give yourself to express through sounds and words the sensations and emotions that surface. You can vocalize softly or out loud, whichever feels right. Give yourself permission to give a voice to your pain, emotions, or memories rather than remain silent. Sounding is an important part of the “letting go” process. Open your voice and be amazed at how it diminishes the pain, tension, and emotion in your body.
Let Your Emotions Flow:
If emotion surfaces, express it; cry tears, yell anger, tremble fear, or laugh joy. If no emotion surfaces, let that be OK too.

Let Your Mind Flow:
When you unwind with eyes closed, you may see a virtual movie reel of suppressed events from your past that were painful or traumatic. By opening to these images, you allow you subconscious mind to release them into the conscious mind where they can be processed for greater clarity, peace, and understanding. You might also see symbols that provide you with insight and wisdom on your path.
Your human body vehicle conducts multiple dimensions of energy. Unwinding is the movement of blocked or suppressed energy through each of these dimensions. Self-unwinding is one of the most powerful inner resources for self-healing, inner transformation, and awakening to higher states of consciousness. Remember, you are not only capable of Unwinding, you are designed for it. Remote BMR healing sessions empower you to access this ability!
Life Coaching
Your remote BMR healing session is immediately followed by 30 minutes of Life Coaching. During the coaching session, you can share your remote BMR healing experience. Jonathan will provide you with self-treatment techniques inspired during your session. If an extended period of time is needed for instruction, he will recommend an additional Life Coaching session to be scheduled at later date.
You will receive an email following your purchase to communicate dates and times to receive your Remote BMR Healing session. It’s ideal for you to schedule the session when you can sit or lie down in a private and peaceful space.
To reschedule an appointment, please Contact Jonathan at least 24 hours prior.
Refund Policy
Please request refunds in writing. Refunds are offered in full if requested in writing PRIOR to the scheduled time of the service. No refunds are offered AFTER the service is provided.
Order Your Remote BMR Healing
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A Remote Clearing & Strengthening Session
- Get Re-centered & Grounded
- Clear Stress-Related Energy Blocks
- Raise Your Vibration
- Strengthen Your Energy Field
- Enhance Adaptability to Stress

Remote Clearing Session
Jonathan will remotely connect with you, then evaluate and clear energy blockages in your organs, fascia, meridians, chakras and energy field. After the clearing, he grounds and strengthens your field. Lastly, Jonathan connects with your heart and spirit, centering you more fully in these vital energy centers.
The session can be scheduled during a specific time during the day if you want to sit or lie quietly to receive the session. Or, the session can be offered while you do other things. The unscheduled time works best if you are unable to set time aside due to work, travel, extreme health conditions, or have other time obligations.
You will receive an email following your purchase to communicate the dates and times for your Clearing & Strengthening session. If your schedule allows, It’s ideal for you to schedule the session when you can sit or lie down in a quiet, peaceful location.
To reschedule an appointment, please Contact Jonathan at least 24 hours prior.
Refund Policy
Please request refunds in writing. Refunds are offered in full if requested in writing PRIOR to the scheduled time of the service. No refunds are offered AFTER the service is provided.
Order Your Remote Clearing Session
Single Session
5-Pack Session